USBIPD is part of the USB/IP protocol, which is an open-source project that's part of the Linux kernel

A software utility that helps users configure and make their USB devices accessible and visible to their Linux virtual machines or Windows-Linux cross-platform solutions that are natively installed on Windows OS.


How to install

Download the latest release here


How to Attach a USB device

Before attaching your USB device, ensure that a WSL command line is open. This will keep the WSL 2 lightweight VM active.

List all of the USB devices connected to Windows by opening PowerShell in administrator mode and entering the following command. Once the devices are listed, select and copy the bus ID of the device you’d like to attach to WSL.

usbipd list

BUSID  VID:PID    DEVICE                                                        STATE
3-4    413c:2005  USB Input Device                                              Not shared
4-1    1a2c:0042  USB Input Device                                              Not shared
4-2    33fa:0001  BARROT Bluetooth Adapter                                      Not shared
5-1    1a86:55d3  USB Serial Device (COM10)                                     Not shared

Before attaching the USB device, the command usbipd bind must be used to share the device, allowing it to be attached to WSL. This requires administrator privileges. Select the bus ID of the device you would like to use in WSL and run the following command. After running the command, verify that the device is shared using the command usbipd list again.

usbipd bind --busid 5-1

BUSID  VID:PID    DEVICE                                                        STATE
3-4    413c:2005  USB Input Device                                              Not shared
4-1    1a2c:0042  USB Input Device                                              Not shared
4-2    33fa:0001  BARROT Bluetooth Adapter                                      Not shared
5-1    1a86:55d3  USB Serial Device (COM10)                                     Shared

To unbind

  usbipd unbind [options]

  -a, --all                    Stop sharing all devices
  -b, --busid <BUSID>          Stop sharing device having <BUSID>
  -g, --guid <GUID>            Stop sharing persisted device having <GUID>
  -i, --hardware-id <VID:PID>  Stop sharing all devices having <VID>:<PID>
  -?, -h, --help               Show help and usage information

usbipd unbind --busid 5-1

To attach the USB device, run the following command. (You no longer need to use an elevated administrator prompt.) Ensure that a WSL command prompt is open in order to keep the WSL 2 lightweight VM active. Note that as long as the USB device is attached to WSL, it cannot be used by Windows. Once attached to WSL, the USB device can be used by any distribution running as WSL 2. Verify that the device is attached using usbipd list. From the WSL prompt, run lsusb to verify that the USB device is listed and can be interacted with using Linux tools.

usbipd attach --wsl --busid 5-1

If you get the error 'can't open device "/dev/ttyACM0": Permission denied' this can be solved by changing permissions
with sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM0 or adding yourself to the dialout group with sudo usermod -a -G dialout username